We have a winner for the Giveaway for 6 Earth Friendly Cleaning Products:
Candace B
She has been contacted.
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Do you want to save more money at Walmart? You can price match any item with another stores ads, including groceries. Some people seem intimidated by doing this since they don't know how. I am here to walk you through how to price match Walmart and share the policy with you.
Grocery ads are usually mailed to you Tues or Sat. Scan these flyers for items you would buy, then see if you have a coupon to match. A good match up site you can go to is debt free spending. Find the items you want to purchase and the quantities before you go to the store. Having a plan is key to saving money. You are less likely to impulse buy things you don't need if you have a plan. Collect and have all your coupons ready before you get to the store.
Get organized before you checkout mark which circulars you are going to use for each item. A good idea is to group products of similar stores together so it is easier for the cashier to check you out. Let the cashier know you have price matches when they start to check you out. Ask them nicely how would they like to handle price matches.
Then match your items and let them know you have coupons. The only time this is not good is if you have a store that doubles or triples coupons. Even if you don't have coupons this is an awesome way to save a ton of money on your groceries. Just think you are getting the best price at from two to three stores by just shopping at one store. What a way to maximize your savings!
A Few Rules from Walmart
Walmart will honor a Buy one Get One FREE (B1G1 or BOGO) deal if the price is marked in the ad. However, if the price is not listed in the ad, Walmart will not honor a B1G1 deal. They will not honor a percentage off and item or close out or going out of business prices. Click for a complete copy of the Walmart's Price Match policy.
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