I know some
of you have been wanting to know how to make the fabulous Popcorn Cake I made
for my daughters 10th birthday movie party. Today I am going to share the
simple instructions on how you can make this cake on your own for a Movie Party or Popcorn Birthday Party. You can see the other decorations I used for her Movie Party.
Popcorn Cake
Movie Party Ideas
1. First I
started by baking two cakes. One butter and one chocolate. Click to print Betty Crocker cake and icing coupons. You can decide based on what you already have in your pantry. I think butter is the best tasting cake. Let’s face it, it’s cake who is counting calories anyway. I used two 9" cake pans for each cake. To make sure they have the same amount of batter in each pan, use an ice cream scoop and alternate between pans. The cakes will come out even.
2. After I
baked the cakes, I took them out of the oven and let them chill for 10 min. I
inverted them on a cooling rack, then set them to cool in the fridge. If I have
time I chill them over night. Otherwise it is best to let them sit for at least
two hours in the fridge to cool.
3. I cut the
tops off the cakes with a serrated knife to even them out. I just eye balled it,
but if you have a cake leveler, then use that. Since, I never throw anything
out. I kept the leftover cake to bribe little face when he goes on the potty. It worked great. We are almost there!
4. Then I
stacked the cake layers alternating butter and chocolate onto a round cake pan.
In between each layer I placed a small amount of icing to glue them together. Next is the hardest part of the whole cake. I
placed my serrated knife at an angle and cut turning the cake stand to keep the
knife at the same angle around the entire cake to make the Popcorn bowl shape for the cake. Wipe gently to remove any remaining crumbs around the edge and wipe
your cake stand free of crumbs. Again you can discard the cake, but that is a
crime in my house. I mean it is cake! When you are done this should resemble a Popcorn Bowl.
5. I used nearly
an entire can of icing on the outside of the cake with a cake knife. Be a little generous here. You want to capture all the crumbs in this layer of icing. Place in
the fridge for about 10 min or more.This is the crumb coat. Don’t
worry about all the little chocolate flakes you see in the icing. They will
disappear in the next coat. A cake knife is a great purchase if you plan on making cakes. Spreads icing like a dream.
6. Yes you
will need another tub of icing. I used nearly ¾ a tub icing the next layer.
This will make all those crumbs disappear. Generously spread icing over the
cake again. Now you should have a white cake.
7. This is
where the magic happens. Get the strawberry Fruit by the foot. I opened every
package until I found the one with the straight lines. Then I measured the cake
from the stand to the top. I cut many strips to this length. To create the smaller
lines, I cut one strand in half lengthwise.
Start placing them on the Popcorn cake. Two small lines then one thick one,
alternating in this pattern around the outside of the cake. Once finished let
the kids eat the fruit roll ups this helps keep them quite while you are concentrating on the cake.

8. I took
some of the icing and used a red tint to make it red. Be sure you make enough.
It is difficult to get the same color. I don’t have a pastry bag, so I placed
the icing in a sandwich baggie and cut a small tip and fed the icing through.
This is where you can get decorative. I just used small circles at the top of
the cake to cover where the fruit rollup stripes end and a straight line at the bottom with the red icing to seal it to the bottom.
9. Now what
you have been dying to know is, how did you make that popcorn on top? While you
are doing all the above steps, have the birthday person and extra help squeeze two small
marshmallows together with their fingers until they stick. Squeeze hard. I used
nearly half a bag of marshmallows. This makes awesome looking Popcorn for the top of the cake.
10. Finally I
got another Ziploc bag to place all the Popcorn marshmallows in and sprinkled it with
yellow decorative sugar. This made it look like buttered popcorn. Shake the bag
to get the yellow sugar everywhere the marshmallows stuck together. Keep them
in the bag.
11. Cut from and extra popcorn bag or print the words "POPCORN" in red ink to make the popcorn logo. Glue it to the cake with some icing.
12. Right
before the party started I let my daughter decorate the top of the cake with the Popcorn marshmallows. The more the better. You want to do this last, otherwise you have
crunchy marshmallows, instead of soft ones to eat. I normally don’t like candy
on cakes, but this was just right and
tasted fabulous for her movie party.
When cutting this Popcorn Cake remember only small pieces are needed, since this is a four layer cake. This picture is one I made for a friend who also had a Movie Party and this Popcorn cake served over twenty guests.
Please share
if you make one. I would love to see your pics.