It has been a busy week for me. I have done two weeks worth
of shopping this week. I will not be shopping next week, but I will still have
a shopping linky. I might have two, one for grocery deals and any Black Friday deals you
want to share. Let me know if you would like to see two to see other deals
people have gotten.
Visit these ladies sites to see other great savings trips. TOP Three Visited Sites Last Week:
If you are still new to couponing, now is the time to stock
up on all your baking needs for the year. This is when you will find your
lowest prices and great coupon matchups on items like sugar, corn starch, baking powder, yeast and more.
Be sure to check expiration dates when stocking up for a long time. There is no
sense in buying something to last a year even if you have a coupon, only find the expiration date is 6
months out. However, items like sugar never expire, so grab what you can to
stock up now. I was so excited when I saw Tom Thumb had really great store
coupons for the month of November that matched with a lot of regular coupons I
had for baking items making them FREE or really cheap. Remember Tom Thumb will
double or triple one coupon. So I had to make a couple of trips. This store is
on my way to take my son to school, so I didn’t feel like I was wasting any gas
making the extra trips. I am trying to stock up for the rest of the year for
all my baking needs now and stay within budget. This is challenging.

I have decided I am not going shopping in the grocery stores
next week. It will be way too crowded, so I doubled my budget for this week to
make up for it. Since I am still working on growing my stockpile, I am a tinsy bit
over budget. But I did a lot of shopping this week. Here are the results:
SPROUTS 11/15/11
1.71 lbs Whole Wheat Flour @ $0.69 lb - $1.18
1.11 lbs Broccoli @ $0.77 lb - $0.85
1 32 oz Stonyfield Yogurt $2.50 - $1/1 Sprouts magazine
1 32oz Stonyfield Yogurt Vanilla $2.50 - $1/1 Sprouts
I spent $4.98 and saved $2.05 on $7.03 worth of produce and
yogurt this week. If you use your own bags at Sprouts you get a $0.05 credit
for each bag you use.
Tom Thumb 11/14/11
1 Safeway Mac and Beef $0.99 – Catalina Print FREE Safeway
-Final FREE
1 Wesson Best Blend oil $3.99 – Store Q $0.75/1, $0.30/1
2 Philadelphia Cream Cheese $1.99 – B1G1 Store coupon
$0.99 each
1 Wheat Bread $1.50
I spent $5.83 and saved $6.74 on $12.57 worth of food. I
went because the mac and beef coupon was about to expire. I will probably
donate this when my daughter has a canned food drive this Feb. at school. We
have enough Chef already at our house.
Tom Thumb 11/15/11
1 Crisco Shortening Sticks $3.39 – Store Q $0.50/1, $0.50/1
1 Betty Crocker Cake Mix $1.79 – Store Q $.50/1, $0.75/ Cake
and Frosting purchase
1 Betty Crocker Frosting $1.69 - $0.75/ Cake and Frosting
2 Kraft Parmesan Cheese Tubs $2.50 – 2 $1/1 Peelies found at
$1.50 each
2 Philadelphia Cream Cheese $1.99 – B1G1 Store Coupon
$0.99 each
1 Mission Tortillas $2.19 – Store Q $1/1
2 Dole Tropical Fruit $1.25 – Store Q $0.99 each, $0.50/2
$0.49 each
1 Argo Corn Starch $1.39 – Store Q $0.50/1, $0.30/1 tripled
-Final FREE
1 Safeway Marshmallows $1.09 – Store Q $0.50/1
1 Fleischman’s Yeast $1.79 – Store Q $0.50/1, $0.30/1
2 Bisquick 40oz $2.99 – Store Q $1.00/2, 2 $0.50/1 Printable
1st Doubled
$1.99 each
1 McCormick Vanilla 1oz. $3.39 – Store Q $1.50/1
I spent $19.46 and saved $25.97 on $45.43 worth of retail
groceries this week. The receipt printed all weird and different on this
transaction, so I did my best trying to make it all match up. The regular price
for the item printed all at once, then the Reward Card savings printed, then
the Store Q, then the Manufacturer Q’s. It was hard to read, but it looked like
every transaction took. I went back to the same Tom Thumb later in the week and
it printed fine.
Tom Thumb 11/17/11
1 Marshmallows $1.09 – Store Q $0.50/1
2 Cans Pineapple $1.25 – Store Q $0.52/2, $0.50/2 Dole
$0.49 each
1 Fleischman’s Yeast $1.79 – Store Q $0.50/1, She missed my
coupon here $0.40
1 Crisco Stick Shortening $3.39 – Store Q $0.50/1, $0.50/1
Crisco Product Doubled
1 McCormick Vanilla 1oz $3.39 – Store Q $1.50/1
1 Argo Corn Starch $1.39 – Store Q $0.50/1, $0.30/1 Argo
corn Starch tripled
-Final FREE
I spent $6.63 and saved $8.76 on $15.39 worth of groceries.
I am stocking up for the holidays and on baking items for the rest of the year.
I may do one more small trip to Tom Thumb this week to get the free or close to
free items.
Kroger 11/15/11 MEGA EVENT
MEI = Mega Event Item $0.50 off of item
2 Gallons Milk $1.99 each
2 18count Eggs $1.88 each
1 Turkey Bacon $2.00
1 Bananas $1.18
10 Del Monte canned Veggies $1.00 – MEI
$0.50 each
3 International Delight Creamer 32oz $2.49 – MEI, 1 $0.75/1
Kroger E-Q, $1/2 Int’l Delight creamer
average $1.40 each
2 I Can’t Believe it’s not Butter $2.49 – MEI, 2 $1/1 ICBNB
-Final $0.99
4 Hormel Turkey Pepperoni $2.99 – MEI, $0.55/2 Hormel
Pepperoni Products
$2.22 each
4 Pringles Cans $1.49 – MEI, $1/4 Pringles Q
$0.74 each
1 Cool Whip $1.49 – MEI
1 Hillshire Farms Lunch Meat $3.49 – MEI, $0.35/1 Hillshire
Lunch Meat
3 Kleenex Tissue $1.49 – MEI, $0.50/3 Kleenex boxes
$0.82 each
2 Honey Grahams $2.97 – MEI, $1/2 Nabisco Products
$1.97 each
2 Ritz Crakers $2.00 - $1/2 Nabisco Products
$1.50 each
2 Kroger Tuna $0.69 - $0.40/2 Kroger E-Q
$0.49 each
1 Heluva Dips $1.50 - $0.75/1 Heluva Dips
$0.75 each
1 Carnation Dry Milk $2.00 - $0.50/1 Carnation Dry Milk
2 Nutri Grain Bread B1G1 $4.09
$2.05 each
I spent $55.50 and Saved $48.45 on $103.95 worth of
groceries retail. This should have been more.
As I was reviewing my receipt I noticed a few price discrepancies that
should have made it more like 50% savings. I am now stocked up for the winter
on baking and canned goods, which is something my pantry was lacking. I can’t
wait until the frozen veggies go on sale in a few months. I really would rather
buy frozen, but canned it good when you need something fast.
Walmart 11/17/11
2 Huggies Slip on diapers $9.47 – 2 $3/1 Slip on diapers
$6.47 each
1 Millstone coffee $11.88 - $2/1 Millstone K-cup
$9.88 each
1 Celestial seasonings Chai Tea $2.28 - $1/1 Celestial
Seasonings Tea
1 Eight o Clock Coffee $4.88 - $0.75/1 All You
1 White Chicken Chili Pack $1.08
2 Minute Maid Juice $2.98 – 2 $2/1 Minute Maid Boxes
$0.98 each
2 lbs Sweet Potatoes $0.65 - $0.33 lb. TIME TO STOCK UP. You
can cook these and freeze them
1 Marzetti Pepperocini $1.72 - $0.50/1 ALL You
1 Ovaltine Malt $3.48 - $1/1 Ovaltine
4 Libby’s Veggies $0.75 - $1/4 Libby’s Veggies
$0.50 each
2 Nestle Cocoa 6 pack $1.00 - $0.55/1 Printable
$0.45 each
I spent $40.02 and saved $17.35 with coupons for $57.37
items at Walmart. There were a few coupons on items that I wanted and didn’t
want to wait to try to fit them into the budget, so I just got them without
having to keep coming back and work them into the budget each week. Some of the
coupons were close to expiring, so I used them instead of wasting that coupon.
GRAND Totals for the week. I spent $132.42 and saved $109.32
on $241.74 worth of grocery and household items this week for two weeks worth
of shopping. I am a little over, but I can make that up in the next weeks.
How did you do this week? Did
you stock up on baking items? Share your results below, so others can learn from your savings trips.