Monday, August 22, 2011

Money saving Monday

I have been extremely busy last week getting ready for school and planning a 2 year old birthday party. Everything went really well. I can now get back into my blog and keep all of you updated with everything that is going on. My toe/foot is still broken. This has slowed me down tremendously this past week. That is why I have been away from blogging. I just didn’t have time.

I am trying to find structure and organization in my life. Slowly but surely we are getting there. We finally purchased some shelves from Ikea for the play room upstairs and everything is off the floor and put away. My husband is now kicking himself wondering why didn’t we do this sooner. I have been asking for the past three years for these shelves. Everything has a place and the kids know where everything goes and can pick it up very quickly. This has brought some much needed peace and serenity back to the home.

 My daughter has the same teacher she had in first grade for her fourth grade teacher this year. She is very excited. My son is in preschool and loves going on Tuesdays and Thursdays. The 2 year old is sleeping and the big one is at her first day of school. This is the quietest my house has been in a while. I really miss her today. Within the past two weeks she has been an angel and I have really enjoyed being with her.

I am going to be more diligent in writing and keeping up with my blog. I haven’t even been that great with my budget lately. So we are going to be giving this a shot and I will keep you informed where to find good deals, how to save money, freebies and much more.

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