Have you ever tried to grow your own garden? If the thought of growing an entire garden with a lot of plants is overwhelming to you, start a container garden with a few herbs. Gardening is a little tricky, unless you know what you are doing. Ours was a complete fail last year, so I have done a lot of research I would love to share with you. This week I will be writing about green ways to take care of your garden.
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Ways to go Green In the Garden
One of the easiest ways to go green is trying not to produce more waste by purchasing a product to use once and then just throw it away. In order to combat the bugs in our garden this year we have incorporated a few organic pest control methods we make ourselves. These are super easy and do not take much time. By making your own pesticides you are reducing your waste and not putting unnecessary chemicals into the environment.

- Eggshells can be added to your garden. First let them dry completely and rinse them out. Then use a blender or food processer to crush them. Adding crushed eggshells in the bottom of the planting hole will prevent blossom rot for plants such as tomatoes and peppers. Blossom rot is caused by a calcium deficiency in the soil. The eggshells will break down and provide calcium for your soil.
- Crushed eggshells can also be used to deter slugs, snails, and cutworms from eating your garden. These pests do not like to crawl over anything sharp. Sprinkle these around the edge of your garden to prevent these nasty pest from getting in and also around your plants.
- Here is a recipe for an organic pesticide spray that is super easy easy to make. The use of garlic in this spray deters deer and rabbits from your garden. While the soap will work on the soft bodied pest by drying them out. Boil 2-3 head of garlic in about 1 quart of water. Add 1-2 tablespoons of soap such as a castile soap. Let the mixture stand overnight and drain into a spray bottle.
We have been saving our eggshells and crushing them and using them around the perimeter of our garden as well as around each of the plants. I will report on how well this way to to green is working as my garden progresses through the season. I will start spraying them with the green insecticide soon, since they are growing so quickly.
Do you have any other ways to go green you use in your garden? I would love to hear what others do. I need all the help I can get.
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